It took me a quick minute to get my external displays working after switching to Linux Mint (22.1), this was because of some missing drivers for the Thunderbolt 4 docking station I was using (WAVLINK WL-UDT41). The drivers were hidden, but a bit of Googling helped me find the right one. A second roadblock appeared, the script kept failing so I had to go through the code + logs and then some GitHub issues filed from 2021 to find the solution.

A WAVLINK Thunderbolt 4 docking station mounted under a desk with 3D printed brackets with 2 DisplayPort cables, 2 Thunderbolt cables, and a power cable connected to it.

HOW-TO (Ubuntu Only)

  1. Navigate to this page and download the Linux install. NOTE: This is only guaranteed to work for WL-UDT41, you may need a different driver for your model.
  2. Extract the ZIP file and navigate to that directory in the command line.
  3. Install the following package: sudo apt install evdi-dkms
  4. Now install the .run file you extracted from the ZIP: sudo sh
  5. Answer any of the prompts that appear and then reboot to get the Docking Station fully working.

Hopefully this guide saved somebody a few extra minutes, I know it's not a huge deal for most but anything to reduce friction is a good thing.

Go out and do good things! 👍