IT Creating an AWS S3 Lifecycle Management rule to clean-up incomplete uploads. I was surprised to find a third of my AWS bill was being spent on broken files in S3 buckets, here's how I setup a rule to automatically clean them up using Lifecycle Management rules!
Mastodon Using GMail for your Mastodon SMTP server. Running a small Mastodon server and don't want to deal with SMTP providers who need you to setup DNS records? GMail might be the simple solution for you!
Mastodon Optimizing Sidekiq for Mastodon 4.x Sidekiq is the application that processes all of the "jobs" on a Mastodon server. These "jobs" are every action your server performs including sending e-mail, creating posts, pulling posts for users to view, uploading media, updating profiles, setting filters, cleaning up the database, and so many more actions.
Mastodon Migrating your Mastodon PostgreSQL database to its own server. Ready for another Mastodon guide? Well today we're going to go over how to migrate your PostgreSQL database to its own server!
Mastodon Setting up Backblaze B2 object storage for your Mastodon server. Setting up object storage can be confusing at first, but here's a really quick step-by-step guide to setting up one of the cheapest and easiest options on your Mastodon server.
Mastodon Running a Mastodon server - Part 1? Since April of this year I've been running my own Mastodon server and 3 days ago we hit 100 users which was a huge milestone for my tiny little server... and then all of a sudden something happened.