Mastodon Optimizing Sidekiq for Mastodon 4.x Sidekiq is the application that processes all of the "jobs" on a Mastodon server. These "jobs" are every action your server performs including sending e-mail, creating posts, pulling posts for users to view, uploading media, updating profiles, setting filters, cleaning up the database, and so many more actions.
Mastodon Migrating your Mastodon PostgreSQL database to its own server. Ready for another Mastodon guide? Well today we're going to go over how to migrate your PostgreSQL database to its own server!
Mastodon Setting up Backblaze B2 object storage for your Mastodon server. Setting up object storage can be confusing at first, but here's a really quick step-by-step guide to setting up one of the cheapest and easiest options on your Mastodon server.
Mastodon Running a Mastodon server - Part 1? Since April of this year I've been running my own Mastodon server and 3 days ago we hit 100 users which was a huge milestone for my tiny little server... and then all of a sudden something happened.
AI Art My AI Artwork Gallery I recently created a new website to show off some of the AI artwork I've created that I thought was neat. Be sure to check it out if you're interested.
Tech Free Software Review: Looking for a free way to edit or create images? How about doing so with Photoshop-like features but without having to install anything? Create and edit images right in your browser with Pixlr!
Tech Project showcase: Xilt Today I want to showcase one of my many projects called Xilt which is a free public image hosting platform I've been building. I'm especially proud of it because it's 100% custom built with a really lovely cloud storage + CDN backend that makes it very resilient (and cheap to run).
Tech Stream to Twitch on easy mode using Twitch Studio OBS is the best streaming app out there, but it's also the most complex. Thankfully there's an easier way for people just testing the waters to see if they even like streaming or not. Twitch Studio to the rescue!
IT How to get into IT (on a budget) Looking to make a career change to IT? Currently working in IT but looking for something different? Want to do it for free or almost free? Here are some budget resources based on some observations I've made over the past few years while in IT.
Uncategorized Hello World! Hello, my name's KuJoe and this is my blog. I've been wanting to setup a blog for a while because sometimes it's hard to confine my